Publication of the Questionnaire results
We received 216 questionnaires and have spent the past few weeks analysing what you told us. We have created 3 documents which provide a summary.
Questionnaire Summary – contains a summary of each section of the questionnaire as well as themes that were identified in your comments
Questionnaire Summary Presentation – contains a presentation of the content in the summary
Questionnaire Comments – contains all the comments that you added to the questionnaire, edited for anonymity, and grouped by theme
These are available on the Neighbourhood Plan website
Printed copies will also be available to read at the Coffee Morning and with Peter Barry, the Parish Clerk, The Old Coffee House, Broad Hinton.
Residents’ Meetings
We will be livening up your January with open meetings to share more on the Neighbourhood Plan progress, including draft vision and objectives, which we’re currently working on. During those meetings, we’ll be asking for community involvement in the next stage of the plan development. Details will follow at the end of November.
If you didn’t complete the survey, or after completing the survey you’ve had a chance to reflect, please contact the Steering Group with any thoughts, questions or comments at