A community-led initiative has begun, and a Steering Group formed, to produce a Neighbourhood Plan created and owned by the community. This local plan will form a long term, positive vision up to 2036.
Wiltshire Council have allocated a minimum of 25 new houses to our community.
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This local plan will form a long term, positive vision up to 2036. The plan must be taken into account when Wiltshire Council makes decisions. It will provide clear guidance to them on what matters to this community.
Our community will make decisions about the use and development of land and consider a wide range of social, economic and environmental issues. Our community’s plan can contain proposals for housing needs, planning, design, sustainability, the environment, transport and amenities.
Steering Group Members so far
Mark Miller (Chair), Damian Le Gresley, (treasurer), Adam Gilmore (secretary), Ade Rudler, Alex LaRoche, Alex Stevenson, Chris Wilson, James Hussey, James Keith, Kate Marshall, Paul Huggins, Peter Barry, Peter Cole, Tammy Beach, Tony Iles, Tristan Norman.
We will be holding three open meetings for discussion and questions about the Neighbourhood Plan and the process. Any resident is welcome at any of the meetings.
They are:
Thursday 9th June 4pm, The Winterbourne tea/coffee & cakes
Sunday 12th June 3pm, Broad Hinton Village Hall tea/coffee & biscuits
Weds 15th June 6pm, The Crown tea/coffee & biscuits
Overview of Neighbourhood Plan Stages
Questionnaire to gather views from the community (delivered during June)
Community decides long-term vision and objectives, the Neighbourhood Plan is created
Wiltshire Council consult with our community and statutory bodies
Independent examination of the plan
Referendum on adopting the plan
Attend the Open Meetings
Complete the questionnaire
Work on the Steering Group
For more details, go to https://www.bhwbparishcouncil.org.uk/neighbourhood-plan
If you have any questions, please contact us on bhwbuf.neighbourhoodplan@gmail.com