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Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 2024

Writer's picture: Adam GilmoreAdam Gilmore

Draft minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting held on 7th May 2023.

Chairman's annual report

The Chairman’s annual summary of events during the period of the last year are as under:

We finally have a new footpath across the grassy knoll in Pitchens End thanks to the tireless

efforts of Cllr Candace Gaisford. This now provides a footpath from Post Office Lane to the High

Street with access now providing a much needed safe passage for anyone from walkers to

wheelchair users. Thank you Cllr Gaisford for all your hard work on this.

Cllr Jim Gunter has again successfully, with LHFIG, completed the required improvements to

the on A4361, including the re-siting and improving all of the signage. Cllr Tony Iles is

progressing, with LHFIG, improvements to the WB turn off where the signs have been replaced

and road resurfacing. There is much to come. Thank you Cllr Gunter and Cllr Iles.

Cllr Tony Iles has also voluntarily cleared our streets of the dumped hay, mown our verges, cut

back hedges and replaced the perspex in our bus shelter, thank you Cllr Iles.

Cllr Jim Gunter and Cllr Louise Skillen have contributed considerable time in dealing with local

flood issues, monitoring water levels, creating flood maps and listening to and updating

residents concerns. Many thanks to Cllr Gunter and Councillor Skillen.

We are now fully functional on social media platforms and are delivering much needed

information on these platforms, as soon as it comes to light. We are now a new age

communications Parish Council, something we couldn’t have achieved without the skills of Cllr

Adam Gilmore. Thank you, Cllr Gilmore.

The Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group has moved ahead significantly. The group have

presented many open meetings to the residents of the Parish. We thank all residents for filling

out their questionnaires and representing an excellent Resident’s turn out at the meetings. Much

of the progress is due to the driving force of Cllr Adam Gilmore and the skilled efforts of Cllr

Damian Le Gresley. The residents on the Group have contributed an incredible amount of time

and effort to bring this forward. Thank you to Cllr Gilmore, Cllr Le Gresley and to all members of

the Steering Group for all of your hard work in delivering what the residents require.

We have researched and agreed to the replacement of our notice boards throughout the Parish.

Two residents have offered to sponsor two of the boards enabling us to deliver them soon.

Thank you to Cllr Damian Le Gresley and Cllr Tony Iles for all of your efforts in getting this done.

We have a new defibrillator in Uffcott which means we now have a defibrillator in each village.

Our Clerk, Peter Barry coordinates the installation and updating of the defibrillators. He also

organises workshops for the use of the units and coordinates a team of residents who

continually check they are working. Thank you Peter for all your hard work and the residents

who support him to keep the residents of this Parish safe.

Peter (Clerk), as always, is doing a sterling job with our accounting system, liaising with the Parish Steward and he keeps us informed on all issues arising, including running Teams meetings and contributing to social network platforms. Thank you so much Peter, for your excellent work, and ongoing support and dedication.

I’d also like to thank our Wiltshire Councillor and Chairman of Royal Wootton Bassett Area

Board, Cllr Allison Bucknall for her continuous support and sound advice. Also, I wouldn’t be

able to do my job without the support of our Clerk Peter, our new Vice-Chairman Adam Gilmore

and the Parish Council as a whole. Thank you to all of you.

The Parish is blessed to have so many hardworking, skilled and dedicated Councillors on our

Parish Council. The Parish Council works as a team, voluntarily dealing with everything from

reporting potholes and fly tipping to Planning applications. As always, there are too many

completed jobs to mention but they have achieved an incredible amount of work over the past

year. We recognise that you are all volunteers, so thank you all, in appreciation, on behalf of the

residents of our community.

Cllr Alex LaRoche, Chairman, Broad Hinton & Winterbourne Bassett Parish Council

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