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Call For Sites

Writer's picture: Adam GilmoreAdam Gilmore

Updated: Nov 30, 2022

Our Neighbourhood Plan is a mechanism for helping our community influence the planning of the area in which they live and work. As part of its work in assessing future development needs, the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group is asking landowners and agents of land within the parish to submit their sites to be considered in the Neighbourhood Plan.

1. What is the Call for Sites?

The 'Call for Sites' is an early opportunity for individuals, landowners and developers to suggest sites for development over the next 20 years. The site suggestions will be used to inform the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan. The call for sites exercise will not determine whether a site should be allocated for development. However, it will help identify a potential pool of sites for further consideration through a range of technical work (explained below). This will help to inform future decisions on allocations in the Neighbourhood Plan.

2. How do I respond and how much evidence is needed?

If you want a site (or sites) to be considered for development, we want to hear from you. Sites need not necessarily be in your ownership and could be developed for a wide range of uses. For each site you suggest, you submit via an electronic form accompanied by a map showing the site boundary. The form is available to download at

We don’t need any additional documents, but we may require further information as the selection process continues. We will contact you if this is necessary.

3. Are there any size thresholds?

Sites can be on greenfield or previously developed (brownfield) land. For this exercise, we are only interested in larger sites for development. For a housing site to be considered it must be capable of accommodating three or more homes. All sites should be a minimum of 0.15 hectares.

4. What information do I need to provide?

At this early stage we don’t require detailed information about your site(s). However, we do need a minimum level of detail to properly process and assess the site and it is helpful if you can provide this. The form includes a comprehensive range of site assessment questions. Please complete these as best you can. As a minimum we require:

· Landowner/Agent contact details.

· Proposed development type for consideration.

· Ordnance Survey location map with the site boundary outlined

5. Who can submit a site?

Anyone can submit a site for consideration providing contact details are included. Anonymous proposals cannot be accepted as we may need to contact you for further information. However, we will still require ownership details in order to confirm the site is genuinely available.

6. What is the deadline for the Call for Sites and where do I send my completed form(s)?

All submissions must be received by Sunday 8th January 2023. Submit your form on paper to The Parish Clerk, The Old Coffee House, Broad Hinton, SN4 9PQ, or by email to:

What happens next?

Following the Call for Sites, we will publish the list of submissions on the Parish Council website. Publication of a site does not indicate that it will be allocated or will successfully obtain permission for development.

In preparing the Neighbourhood Plan, sites will be tested through further technical work by an independent consultant to assess their sustainability, suitability and deliverability. The sites considered most appropriate will then be subject to further public consultation. The plan (and associated sites) will also go through an Independent Examination (inquiry) before it is approved by a Planning Inspector and adopted by Wiltshire Council.

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